Benefits of Yard Clean-up in Spring

Benefits of Yard Clean-up in Spring

The sun is starting to shine and spring is right around the corner. It’s the perfect time to revive and prepare your front and back yards for the growing season that is ahead. Cleaning up your yards promotes a healthy lawn and allows you to truly enjoy your outdoor living space. Here are some easy ways to clean up your yards and why each of them is so beneficial.

Benefits of Yard Clean-up in Spring

  • Leaf/debris clean-up and removal
  • Trimming shrubs and branches
  • Mulching your beds

Leaf/debris clean-up and removal

Raking up leaves and picking up twigs is a simple way to help the appearance of your lawn. Not only does it make your yard more visually appealing, but it also has health benefits for your grass. Removing the extra build-up gives your lawn the chance to breathe after months of being covered. Too thick of a layer prevents adequate sunlight from reaching your grass and can lead to it drying out if it’s not removed. And although composted leaves can be beneficial for growth, too much can harbor fungal diseases in your plant beds and around your trees.  

Trimming shrubs and branches

Trimming your shrubs and branches is another super-easy way to maintain a beautiful appearance in your yards. Trimming off dead ends can also help your flowering shrubs bloom more profusely during springtime. The winter ice and snow are known to damage your tree’s branches so trimming them can be beneficial to prevent any damage if they would fall and improve the overall health of your trees. 

Mulching your beds

Mulching your beds is a final, uncomplicated way to make your beds look better. Removing old mulch and adding new also improves the health of your existing plants and any new ones you add. Mulch contains so many organic materials that will help promote plant growth. It retains moisture and will help tremendously when the dry summer days hit, ultimately helping you out with your water bill.  

Overall, the primary benefit of cleaning up your lawn is that it prepares your yard for a healthy growing season. It helps prevent excessively weed growth and encourages your grassroots to grow deeper and stronger. This will give your home a healthy and beautiful lawn, that will stay that way even on the driest and hottest days of summer. 

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