How to care for your lawn during the summer

How to care for your lawn during the summer

If you are someone who cares about your lawn then you know how hard it can be for it to look it’s best during the summer months. With high temperatures, sunshine, and sometimes not enough the summer can really do a number on your lawn. If you are looking for ways to help protect its health and keep it nice and green then you will want to read these tips. 

How to care for your lawn during the summer:

  1. Watch the high-traffic areas
  2. Take care of lawn diseases
  3. Don’t stress too much

Watch the high-traffic areas

Do you have high-traffic areas on your lawn that may lead to a pool, garage, shed, etc.? If so, you may want to consider installing a brick stepping stone pathway to these areas. Installing this will help the area look great and prevent the grass from looking trampled on. If this idea isn’t for you, talking to your local lawn care specialist about laying down some lawn food may be another alternative. 

Take care of lawn diseases

If you have never heard of lawn disease before, it’s true. They do exist. Bug infestations and other fungal issues can arise during the summer months. There are products that you can purchase that can help rid your lawn of these awful diseases that make them look less than perfect. 

Don’t stress too much

Taking care of your lawn can take a lot of work and cost you some extra money depending on where you live and how much property you own. While taking care of your lawn and wanting it to look nice is a great thing to do, you don’t want to stress yourself out over it. Doing your best and making a conscious effort to make your grass look alive and healthy is a great thing to do. 

If you are looking for more summer lawn care tips be sure to check out our 4 summer lawn care tips. If you have any additional lawn care tips, we would love to hear what works for you. 

We want your lawn to be the best it can possibly be. In order for that to happen, you need a great mower that won’t let you down. If you need us to change tires for you or anything for that matter, we’d be happy to help. We are located in Lima, Ohio! Visit our Service and Repair page to learn more.

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