How to stay safe while mowing the lawn

How to stay safe while mowing the lawn

We all know how important it is to maintain a beautiful lawn. But what many people don’t realize is that mowing the lawn can be quite hazardous. 

Every year, people lose their lives or are seriously injured while mowing the lawn. A few simple precautions can help make your experience safer and more enjoyable.   The first rule is to always wear safety gear: glasses, earplugs, gloves, long pants, and a shirt with sleeves that you don’t mind getting dirty. Make sure to use the correct blades for your grass type and have them sharpened often. Finally, always be mindful of obstacles like cars or pets playing nearby; stay off of slopes; be aware of low-hanging branches; keep children close by if they’re around; cut on dry days when possible so clippings don’t get too wet; never operate power equipment in poor visibility conditions (rainy day). 

How to stay safe while mowing the lawn 

  1. Wear protective gear, including goggles, a hat, and gloves
  2. Mow the lawn when it’s dry to avoid slipping on wet grass
  3. Stay alert while mowing – don’t wear headphones or talk on the phone
  4. Use a push reel mower instead of a gas-powered one for safety and pollution reduction 
  5. Keep children away from the area where you’re cutting the grass – they may not understand that it’s dangerous to run around near sharp blades! 
  6. When finished mowing, wash off your equipment before storing it in order to prevent rusting and corrosion

If you want to stay safe while mowing the lawn, it’s important that you’re armed with knowledge. We’ve provided some basic safety tips for those who are just getting started and experienced landscapers alike. Remember to always wear protective gear like goggles, a hat, and gloves when cutting the grass- even if it is dry outside! Stay alert and don’t talk on the phone or listen to music because your peripheral vision may not be as good without these senses engaged. Use a push reel instead of gas-powered ones so that there will be less chance of injury from sharp blades. When finished mowing make sure to wash off equipment before storing in order to avoid rusting or corrosion which can also lead to injuries down the line.

 If you find yourself in need of parts or service for your lawnmower, we have you covered. For the DIYer, we can have most parts in stock within 2-5 business days at our shop in Lima, Ohio. If you need us to change tires for you, we’d be happy to help! Visit our Service and Repair page to learn more!

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