Why you need a Holland Grill in Lima, Ohio

Why you need a Holland Grill in Lima, Ohio

You may be looking at the price tag of a Holland Grill and wondering why you need one compared to other grill models? Well, there are no flare-ups on a Holland Grill. Unlike other models, you are able to let your meat or sides sit without constantly flipping them over and worrying that they are getting too crisp. You will also find that the food will be the most flavorful and juicy food you’ve ever had straight off the grill.

Why you need a Holland Grill in Lima, Ohio

  1. No flare-ups – You will never have to worry about walking away from your food to come back to it being on fire.
  2. Made in America – Every piece of the Holland Grill is made in America! To be more specific they are made in a small town in called Warrenton, GA.
  3. Delicious Food – If your grill didn’t produce delicious food, would you still want it? With the Holland Grill, you will find that your food cooks easier, and it’s more hassle-free than any other grill.
  4. Easy to Use – Want a grill that lets you set a timer and come back to juicy and delicious food? The Holland Grill allows you to do just that. All you have to do is turn on the grill, place your food inside, and set a timer. It’s really that easy.

That’s not all. The Holland Grill has more great features that set’s it apart from the competition. With Holland’s signature smokestacks, they help pull in air and keep it circulated like a convection oven. Another great feature is the cooking grid which is guaranteed to last a lifetime.

 Why you need a Holland Grill in Lima, Ohio

The sizzle tray is made out of rust-free aluminum that helps catch the juices from the food and sizzle back up on the food that gives it a special flavor. The stainless steel deflector plate helps spread the flame out to keep the heating pattern even. Last but not least, the cast-iron burner is guaranteed for the life of the grill which saves you money from replacing burners every year.

We hope that we provided you with enough information on why you should choose the Holland Grill over any other type of grill. Snappy’s Outdoor Equipment in Lima, Ohio is the place to go for all of your outdoor needs. Schedule an appointment with us today or stop in to view our selection of Holland Grills! You may be surprised how hassle-free the Holland Grills are. Be sure to ask about the “no flare” when you stop by.

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