Reasons to Schedule Lawn Service Early

Reasons to Schedule Lawn Service Early

Spring is approaching very quickly. This means warmer air, rain, sunshine, and grass growing. Taking care of your lawn should begin at the early stages of spring. This is when the grass is really beginning to grow again here in Ohio. It has been too cold all winter and your poor grass has been dealing with the cold and snow coverage. Schedule a lawn service early this year to make sure that you have the best equipment for your lawn along with performing any tune-ups of your current lawn care equipment.

5 Reasons to Schedule Your Lawn Service Early:


Some people need a rider and some people are able to use a walk behind mower. This all depends on your age and how big your lawn is. You also may need to make sharper turns in your yard. This may require you to upgrade to a zero turn mower to help you may those tough maneuvers. If you’re satisfied with your current mower, it is still important to schedule an appointment to have your blades sharpened along with checking the engine to make sure that everything will run smoothly for you in the busy mowing season in the spring.

Reasons to Schedule Lawn Service Early


With all of that fresh grass being repelled from your mower, you’re going to need to make sure that you have a blower to clean the mess off your driveway and patio area after mowing. Make sure that you a quality blower that is going to get the job done and make it easy for you without breaking down.


The cold winter season may have deformed your lawn. It is important to jump on this issue early. Rolling your grass with a 500-600 lb. roller is important in the spring. This will help to get rid of all of those uneven bumps that were created during the brisk winter season.


You may have areas of grass that are just too close to your house or a building for a mower to get. You may also have bushes that have grown out and now look ugly. Make sure to have a proper trimmer with the capabilities of trimming those bushes precisely to give a nice decoration to your landscaping.


Spring is a great time to get those projects done that you’ve been wanting to do for months, but haven’t been able to. Make sure to have a powerful chainsaw to finally get rid of that ugly, dead tree. If you already have one, make sure to get it checked out to make sure the engine is running properly. Don’t make the hassle of cutting a tree down even more difficult, make sure you are using a chainsaw with powerful teeth that is able to cut right through the wood.

Snappy’s Outdoor Equipment is the place to go for all of your lawn service needs. Schedule an appointment with us today to ensure that you have all of your lawn care power equipment running up to par for this spring season!

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