What you need to know about Carburetor Maintenance

What you need to know about Carburetor Maintenance

How often do you give your carburetor a little TLC? If your carburetor isn’t taken care of it can prevent the proper operation of your engine. When you take proper care of your carburetor, your engine should run smoothly. If your engine does not start properly, your carburetor is often the problem. Like we stated in the beginning, a little TLC can go a long way. If you know how to clean your carburetor you can save yourself time and money. 

What you need to know about Carburetor Maintenance:

Do you know why carburetor problems have been on the rise? It’s because of the rise in the use of ethanol fuels. These fuels are pure alcohol, which can cause corrosion of the carburetor. Also, leaving fuel in your tank for more than 30 days can also lead to unwanted issues of this part. Don’t become another statistic due to laziness or missed maintenance of your tools. 

After you have completed all of the recommended steps of cleaning your carburetor, your engine should start up normally. If this doesn’t do the trick, it may need a more extensive cleaning. You should consult the owner’s manual or your local outdoor equipment shop for more helpful tips or service. 

If you want to prevent any issues with your carburetor in the future you will want to take some quality TLC with it before storing it. If you are storing your equipment, you may want to look into a high-quality fuel stabilizer. After adding this substance, make sure you let your engine run long enough for the fuel to reach the carburetor (15 minutes). 

If you aren’t going to use your equipment for longer than a year (see your owner’s manual) it is recommended that you drain the gas. A little preventative maintenance goes a long way. When you take the time to take care of your equipment, it will take care of you when you need it most. 

If you need us to change tires for you or anything for that matter, we’d be happy to help. We are located in Lima, Ohio! Visit our Service and Repair page to learn more.

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