Why you should overseed your lawn in the fall

Why you should overseed your lawn in the fall

Have you ever thought about overseeding your lawn in the fall? Well, you should. Overseeding your lawn in the fall is a great way to ensure that you have a beautiful green lawn in the spring. This process helps with the thin patches, grows new grass, and helps fight lawn disease. You want your lawn to continue to grow throughout the year and become resistant to wear. 

Here are a few tips to help you with overseeding your lawn this fall: 

  1. Aerate
  2. Mow
  3. Prep your soil
  4. Get the right seed
  5. Don’t forget to water 


Did you know that your lawn will need to be aerated before the process of overseeding begins? Doing so will help all of the water and nutrients get to where they need to be much easier. You want your grass to grow, so make sure you are providing the proper conditions for it to do so. 


Mowing your lawn before overseeding is super important. You will want to make sure that you cut your grass extra short so that the sunlight and water can reach it without being overcrowded by tall grass. 

Prep your soil

After you mow you will want to take a rake through your lawn to remove debris and to help loosen up the soil. This will help the new seed have better contact with the soil to grow. 

Get the right seed 

There are many different types of grass seed and that’s why it’s important before you just buy any seed that you do your research. Also, don’t be afraid to ask the experts in your lawn & garden shop for their tips. There are many factors that go into buying the right seed. Be sure that you are taking into consideration the weather and high-traffic areas. You don’t want the wrong purchase to ruin your seeding process. 

Don’t forget to water 

You will want to make sure you water your lawn several times a day. This will help soften the soil so the seeds germinate. You may also want to invest in a sprinkler system to help keep your water times consistent. 

Now that you know the importance of overseeding your lawn, we hope that you will take the proper steps to make this project a success. 

Fall is in the air, consider sending your mower into our shop for service before putting it in storage for the winter. We are located in Lima, Ohio! Visit our Service and Repair page to learn more.

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