Why you should salt your driveway before the snow hits

Why you should salt your driveway before the snow hits

As winter approaches, many homeowners dread the thought of shoveling snow and dealing with icy, slippery driveways. But guess what? You don’t have to tear your hair out this season! With a simple pre-winter task like salting your driveway before the first snowfall sets in, you can save yourself time, energy, and stress-related headaches! So why should you salt your driveway before the snow hits? Read on to explore the benefits of salting and how it can help keep your driveway safe all winter long.

Why you should salt your driveway before the snow hits:

  1. Salt helps to prevent snow and ice from bonding to the pavement, making it easier to remove. Taking preventative measures like this one will make it easier to shovel or plow your driveway when the time arises. 
  2. Salt also helps to melt snow and ice on contact. Want to get rid of snow without ever touching it? Salt can help with that. 
  3. Salting your driveway before a storm can help reduce the risk of accidents. You dont want to go slipping and sliding down your driveway and accidently hit another parked vehicle – salting your driveway is the easiest way to help preven that. 
  4. It’s a good idea to salt your driveway even if there is no snow forecast, as freezing rain can create dangerous conditions. Freezing rain in the winter is just as bad as snow – as it can cause major accidents and damage if not handled with care. 
  5. Salting your driveway regularly will help keep it clear all winter long. If you don’t have access to a plow or snowblower salting your driveway is the best preventative action you can take to help remove the snow. 
  6. You can buy salt in bulk at a discount. Salt is cheap and will come in handy many times throughout the winter months. 

As you can see, there are many benefits to salting your driveway before the snow hits. By taking this simple pre-winter task, you can save yourself a lot of time, energy and stress. So don’t wait until the first storm hits to salt your driveway – be proactive and do it now!

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