Four snow shoveling tips to protect your health

Four snow shoveling tips to protect your health

Who doesn’t love winter weather? It can be fun for small children, but when it comes to the cold temperatures, snow, and ice the “fun” fades away for adults. Navigating winter weather can be a challenge whether you have to drive in it or move the snow to get out of your house. We want to help you stay safe while shoveling. Yes, shoveling can be an easy task but it can also be dangerous if not done properly. Like always, you should always talk to your doctor before performing a vigorous exercise like shoveling because it can be life-threatening.

Four snow shoveling tips to protect your health:

    1. Warm up.
  1. Push the snow (don’t lift).
  2. Take breaks.
  3. Wear layers and stay hydrated.

Warm up.

Take your time. Just like any other exercise, it is important that you do some stretching or walking inside to warm up your muscles before you go out into the cold. Performing vigorous exercise while in the cold can increase heart rate and blood pressure. Moving snow can also cause strain on the heart. It is important to listen to your body and your doctor and don’t perform tasks that your body isn’t capable of handling.

Four snow shoveling tips to protect your health

Push the snow (don’t lift).

When you push the snow you are helping reduce the strain on your body. If you have to lift the snow, be sure to use your legs and bend your knees to prevent injury. It is also important to note that when you move fresh snow it is easier and lighter to push. The style of shovel you use can also help lighten the load. Plastic shovels are lighter and easier to push than heavy metal ones.

Take breaks.

Don’t feel like you have to move all of the snow at once and definitely don’t be in a hurry to do it. Taking a break every 20 minutes can help give your body a much-needed break from the exercise and the cold. Also, periodically making trips outside to move the snow can help prevent strain and keep your body warm.

Wear layers and stay hydrated.

It is important that you wear enough layers to help keep your body warm while shoveling. You may also want to note that it is important to remove layers as needed to keep your body at a comfortable temperature. You will also want to go inside for water when needed. Keeping yourself hydrated while performing any kind of exercise is crucial for your health.

We want to reiterate that you should always talk to a doctor before performing an exercise such as this. Your driveway or sidewalk being cleaned off is not as important as your health. Do you still have questions? Stop by and let the friendly professionals at Snappy’s help you!

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